Friday 22 January 2010

Fake blood and costume update

On Wednesday we filmed the scenes with Katie in her bedroom, we needed blood for one of the scenes so Hazel and Sophie created the fake blood, they made it by mixing together;

Icing sugar
and red food colouring

We also decided to put Katie in an orange T-shirt to reflect youth and just grey tracksuit bottoms to show she is at home not at school.
For the last scene we put her in a creased white T-shirt and kept the same trousers on her, this shows her neglection as she is not wearing new clothes and they are not ironed. We had an idea that we could put her in a man's shirt, to add to the ambiguity of the result as the shirt may have been Mr Jones's. We didn't follow this idea because during the filming we couldn't get a man's shirt.
By Jo

How we made the fake blood.
We added about half water and half ketchup together but it came out a lot runnier than we intented. We then added about 3tbsp of icing sugar with the intent to make the mixture thicker to create the realistic allusion of blood. When we had added enough icing sugar in to get the correct thickness. Finally, we added about 1tsp of red food colouring the make the mixture blood red. - Sophie

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