Monday 1 November 2010

Resit - Dawn of the Dead Title Sequence
(Embedded was disabled)

This titles start with a black background and red writing. Immediately, this takes the form of generic signifiers within horrors as red denotes blood and death and the connotations of black are secrecy and danger and this is the impression we recieve as a viewer. The first of these title pages states the production company, this is always the case in title sequences. Between each of these title pages is a piece of footage, which another title always follows.

There is a close up of a face covered in blood. This denotes something has happened to the character. This also creates a sense of fear within the audience as the face is reocurring. We then see the titles, which follow the same format of red writing on a black background, and this is kept continuous. It is here the non-diegetic screaming is then introduced, along with sections of extra-diegetic dialouge. We hear about "the virus" and this begins to piece together the narrative, although the narrative is never fully given away. It then follows a pattern switching from the close up of the face, to a title featuring cast, with a piece of background information. This information is building up the narrative enough to keep the audience hooked and interested.

Following this, we see a continuous run through of footage which is fragments of the narrative, but isn't clear enough that the audience are aware of the full narrative. The lyrics of the non-diegetic song which is playing over all the footage reflects the action we are seeing.

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