Monday, 1 November 2010

Resit Catch Me If You Can- Title sequence analysis

The opening begins with a blue background with a black animated institution name revealed then a black animated man is revealed and walks across then he stops and starts creeping across, as white animated planes and air hostesses walk out this denotes the man is in an airport. This animated title beginning outlines a location which could be important, and the name Catch Me If You Can implies that a character is running from someone therefore the setting of an airport relates to the title because they are fleeing from a country. Also because the black male figure denotes suspicious movements it implies that he is the main character so the audience have already been introduced to a character and their characteristics and a setting. When the animation is in the airport there is another main character introduced, they are wearing a hat connoting superiority also the main actors name is introduced when the character is introduced which implies that this actor plays the superior man. The name of the film is then introduced the music keeps the same upbeat tone and same fast pace so the title fits in well with the action happening in the animation because the suspicious man has run away from the superior man.

The animation then moves locations from the airport to the road, there are cars but there is one specific car going fast and leaving skid marks this connotes the theme of panic and chasing which is present in the film. The location then changes again, this time the colour scheme changes too with a bright yellow background connoting sun and denoting a holiday. There is a man swimming in the pool being watched by the superior man. This implies the changed in location and the continuation of the chase. In addition, the pace and sound of the music changes to a relaxed jazz this connotes the relaxed atmosphere of the holiday which is ruined by the superior man, as the man swimming flees and changes costume to a doctor. This change of costume implies that the man fleeing has different occupations to fit around he's hiding. Then as the doctor gets into the lift the colour scheme changes again this constant change in colour and costume displays the different themes and chaotic storyline. The music also goes back to the pace it was at at the beginning with a less of a Jazz genre.

The colour scheme then turns to red and orange then to red and black. The colour red connotes danger and murder which foreshadow themes in the film also as the animation turns completely red, black and white the music builds in pace and volume connoting large scale of frustration and panic.

After the red and black colour scheme there is a pink and black colour scheme the colour pink has connotations of femininity and flirtatiousness, this highlights to the audience that there might be the theme of love entwined in the chasing storyline. The animation then builds in pace with different coloured lights flashing on and off with the different men being lit up then running on and continuing the search. This builds tension in the audience member as the pace is built and the audience will understand that the storyline gets pacey and quick therefore making them intrigued and waiting for the film to begin.

Lastly the animation finishes with both the men running as the superior man gets closer to the man on the run the animation fades to black, this leaves the audience with a cliff hanger as to whether the man gets caught.

This type of title sequence is very complex as it tells the story in the beginning two minutes. However, it makes it clear that there is a man on the run and he is changing occupations whilst on the run but it does not explain why he is running. This would therefore make the audience active and make them want to watch the rest of the film.

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