Tuesday 24 November 2009

Actor issue

Today we spoke about who we could have to act in our film. Our horror film has 2 main characters, one who is a middle-aged male teacher the other is a teenage girl around 15 years old. We were originally going to ask a teacher in the school to play the male teacher but we realised there was issues with using a teacher for example we would need to film scenes outside of school, in a supermarket for example and we wouldn't be able to rely on a teacher as they would have lots of work to do plus we would need to film at weekends when we couldn't film scenes of the teacher.
So instead we have decided we are going to have auditions for the male teacher. The person who will be the teacher will have to be willing to spend their free time filming. Also we have realised that it will be easiest to auidition people our own age, friends etc, so we can meet up with them at the weekends to film. However they will look younger than a middle-aged man but he will wear a suit to make him look the part.

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