Friday 20 November 2009

Our remake of 'The Shining'

Here is our remake of the hallway scene from the horror film 'The Shining.' We did this to gain an insight into horror films and the way they are made and how you would go about making one, we knew this would help us with our overall final piece.
We created a shot list to help us with the filming, this shot list is below the remake. The shot list helped us to develop the right timings although we did not follow it completely, this is because parts of the scenes were too long for what we needed to create the right effect. Whilst we were filming the shot list helped us to know what to film when and where, and when it came down to editing it helped us to put the footage in the right order.
If we were to improve this we would change the character of Danny and use a young male to keep the consistency of the original film. We would also try to make the setting more believeable, but as we were in a school environment, we not able to do so, and this would be a main factor that we would change.
Filming was done by all of our group, and we all had equal input into it. The majority of the editing, which was putting the clips in order and cutting the clips mostly to size, was Jo Peplow-Revell. The final editing, titles and music were done by Hazel Clifton and Sophie Tindall.

Added by Sophie and Hazel on behalf of the group.

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