Wednesday 17 March 2010

Institution Logo

As our institution and film are called 'Peephole', we wanted an image which would relate to the name 'Peephole', also with the idea of stalking we thought it would be good to have a picture of someone looking through something.

On Google we found this image (Left)

We thought this image was brilliant because it could relate to being stalked because of the eye staring through the Peephole.
However we wanted to make the logo more creepy so it was clear it was for a horror movie, so we adapted it. We imported the original image into a free editing programme called 'Picnix'. In this programme we changed the image to black and white and made the eye bright green. We decided to use green as it symbolises jealousy, which is the main theme in our film.
We chose to make the writing white because it stands out from the dull grey of the peephole image, and also to reflect the innocence of youth.
We added an effect on Adobe Premier Elements called 'Lens Flare' as we thought this made our film look professional.

This is our final edit of our logo.

The website that the image came from was -

Inputs from all group members.

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