Wednesday 15 December 2010

Resit - Why we chose the font for our titles

We chose this font from iMovie as it clear and easy to read. What attracted us to this particular font was that it looks similar to bones, representing horror clearly. We chose white as the colour to connote the innocence of Katie to begin with. Our first couple of titles lead into the title of the film, Peephole. We decided to make this red to connote blood and death, which is the theme of our piece. Red also connotes how the innocence has been tainted. The background of our title of the film name is black to connote the danger and secrecy included within the piece. All the colours work well together and are very plain, simply and easy to read.

The title!

We put our titles in the right hand corner as we thought this looked most effective. It connotes the shrinking away of Katie in her secret place.

This is the font we used.

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