Wednesday 15 December 2010

Resit - Rough Cut

This is our rough cut of 'Peephole'. The feedback we recieved from our subject teacher was as follows:

  • The title of the film needs to appear earlier
  • Your titles need to be consistantly placed
  • The stalker chasing her is unbelievable - she is too close!
  • It's like the film has already ended, change the end.

Some general feedback we recieved was:

  • "I like the opening! Your transitions work well, but your titles are not consistent." - Aged 17
  • "She is very close to her with the knife, I think the other girl might notice if she was that close and turn around." - Aged 19
  • "Scary!" - Aged 11

We will now make the changes asked of us to improve our opening two minutes.

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