Friday 11 December 2009

Final Cast

As a group, we looked through our auditions and decided and thought out who would be best for each role in our film. We looked at points such as:

  • Appearances closest to the ideas we had about the character.

  • Dramatic performances and being able to adapt to the conceptions of Katie. So we looked especially at the A-Level Theatre Studies class for these.

  • The availabilty to film. So whether their free periods coincided with our Media Lessons and also would be available to film during lunches, breaks, after schools and weekends and will be 100% commited.

We looked at three girls, as we have stated before; Jennifer Pike, Hannah Blakemore and Rachel Short. For Katie we have decided to cast Jennifer (Jenni) Pike. With furthur group discussions today we have decided to cast the other two girls as a "Star Pupil Of The Week". Below are photographs of our female cast.

Jennifer (Jenni) Pike.

Jenni is a member of the Theatre Studies class, of which Sophie and Jo are also a part of, so we know on a educational level that Jenni is more than capable of playing this role. She also has the same colour hair for the idea we had of Katie and also the slight bodyframe we imagined her to have.

Hannah Blakemore. - Again, Hannah is part of the Theatre Studies class and is capable of acting the part. We felt that Hannah related to the part in the calm but threatening manner in which we wish the part to be portayed, but physically she didn't fit our ideal description. We will use Hannah's approach to the role and apply it to Jenni. We have cast Hannah as a "Star Pupil".

Rachel Short - Like the others, Rachel is part of the Theatre Studies class. We decided not to cast Rachel as Katie because we were decided on Jenni . We decided to use Rachel as one of the four "Star Pupils".

Jasmine Lee - We didn't audition Jasmine, but she is another student from the Theatre Studies class. We cast Jasmine as a "Star Pupil" also.

Catherine Turner - We didn't audition Catherine either, as she missed our actual auditions but we casted her as a "Star Pupil" also. We originally were thinking about using Catherine for the role of Katie, but after auditioning Jenni and Catherine was being used by another group in our class.

Male Casting

Tamer Saleh (right) - We decided to use Tamer mainly for his appearance. As the role we need him to play involves an older man, we needed someone who could easily pass as someone older. Furthermore, as Tamer and Samuel (our other male casting) are friends, it was simpler for them to engage in conversation, illiminating any awkwardness.

Samuel Hickey - We decided to use Sam because again, the friendship between him and Tamer. Also, Sam is an able actor and we know this from outside experience.


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