Tuesday 1 December 2009


Storyboard Page 1
The pictures on this page were taken by Jo, Hazel and Sophie, however this page was put together by Sophie.

Storyboard Page 2
The pictures were taken by Jo, Sophie and Hazel again and the page was put together by Sophie.
Storyboard Page 3
The pictures in shots 17,18 and 19 were taken by Jo, Sophie and Hazel the rest were taken by Jo and Hazel. Sophie put together shots 17,18 and 19 and Jo did the rest of the page.

Storyboard 4
The pictures on the page were taken by Jo and Hazel and the page was put together by Jo.

Storyboard Page 5
The pictures on this page were taken by Jo and Hazel and the page was put together by Jo.

On the storyboard we could not take the pictures in the desired destinations for example katies bedroom, the supermarket and we couldn't use appropriate characters so we have a female for Mr Jones which obviously wouldn't happen inour film. The reason for this is becuase we only had 2 lessons to go and take photos. Also we haven't used blood where we plan to for example on the knife picture in the film there will be blood on it.

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