Tuesday 8 December 2009

Location Scouting Information

This week we have been thinking about possible locations we could use within our film. Locations such as Clacton beach have been discussed, whilst considering this we thought about incorporating a new scene where Katie would be at the beach. To include this we would need to go to an empty part of the beach to reflect the emptiness of her character. This would work out nicely as the weather will be cold and damp during January when we film.
The main location for our film will be within our school to make the filming more believable and realistic. This will also aid us in completing the filming on time. We have looked at alleys around our school also as they are shaded by trees and the path is quite worn and muddy creating the illusion of darkness. Also through January the weather will be dark still, playing on the pathetic fallacy.
We are going to look around Chelmsford town centre later on in the week, for photos of normality which we are looking to include into our film.

Written by Sophie & Hazel

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