Friday 4 December 2009

The script

This is the script that will used when we audition our actors for both Katie and Mr Jones.


Set in a quiet pub in the corner where Mr Jones is sitting with a group of friends, camera comes round the corner then there is a close-up on Mr Jones face. There are beverages on the table, Mr Jones and his friends are deep in conversation.

Mr Jones; (whisper) I think I’m being followed.

Friend 1; (laughs) don’t be so ridiculous.

Friend 2; Are you being serious? You’re a middle-aged man with a kid and a wife, who would be interested in your life, come on!

Mr Jones; No really guys its really weird, I have no idea who’s doing it but I have this odd feeling.

Friend 1; Like what? Have you seen them?

Friend 2; No he hasn’t he just said he doesn’t know who it is.

Friend 1; So what gives you the idea?

Mr Jones; Oh, your gunna think I’m crazy.

Friend 2; WHAT?

Mr Jones; I constantly hear a camera. I’m worried.

The scene then skips to a dark bedroom lit with red lighting. There is a loud scream as the bedroom door slams.

Katie; (heavily breathing) Just stop it, please stop it.

Katie stands up in rage and screams throwing stuff off her shelf. She then stops and picks up a picture of Mr Jones.

Katie; (kisses the picture) Why are you doing this to me? Just tell me the truth, we can run if you want. My life is f**ked and I can see your unhappy, lets run, I love you. Please, please please. Stop playing with me! Stop f**king playing with me Please stop playing, I hate this. PLEASE! (her whisper fades out) Please please please I love you.

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